The call for papers is hereby opened for the international conference “Kant, then and now. On the tricentenary of his birth”, that will be held from 14 -18 October 2024 in the Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences of the University of Valencia.
The theme of the conference will be “On the Sciences and the Arts”. Hereby is intended the state of the art in the scientific research and in the theory and practice of the arts in the Kantian era, as well as its influence in Kant’s intellectual formation and development. Nevertheless, all contributions are welcome on any aspect of Kantian thought, as well as on its sources and reception.
Among the confirmed keynote speakers are [in alphabetical order of last name] Ana Andaluz (Salamanca), Juan Arana (Sevilla), Jesús Conill (València), Adela Cortina (València), Óscar Cubo (València), Brigitte Falkenburg (Dortmund), David Hereza (València / Berlin), Alba Jiménez (Madrid), Manuel Jiménez Redondo (València), Patricia Kauark-Leite (Minas Gerais), Claudio La Rocca (Genoa), Paula Órdenes (Heidelberg), Rogelio Rovira (Madrid), Margit Ruffing (Mainz), Sergio Sevilla (València), Dieter Sturma (Bonn), Pedro Jesús Teruel (València), Salvi Turró (Barcelona) and Violetta Waibel (Vienna). There will be a broad cultural programme, organically connected to the themes of the conference.
Interested authors will submit title and abstract (100 words maximum), together with academic affiliation, until April 22, 2023 [ deadline extended to December 1, 2023 ] to the email address For each paper there will be 30 minutes of exposition and 20 minutes of debate. The documents will be redacted in Spanish, Valencian / Catalan, German, English, Italian, French or Portuguese.
Notice of acceptance will be given before 31 December 2023. The accepted originals will be published in printed format and in e-book at the same time in the prestigious publishing house Tirant lo Blanch.
Valencia 21 September 2021